How to learn more about Korean temple food
Korean Buddhist cooking is building a buzz, getting traction on Netflix's "Chef's Table" and in the Michelin Guide to Seoul. But for home cooks interested in Korean temple cuisine and its wholesome, vegan dishes, there's been a real dearth of information available. That's why we were excited to learn that our friend, chef Shin Kim, was developing an online cooking course devoted to this topic.
Shin partnered with Tricycle, a nonprofit foundation and magazine that shares Buddhist views and values, and we got to provide some illustrations for them:
Shin Kim, the chef behind the Korean culinary studio Banchan Story
Over four weeks, Shin is going to share eight of her flavorful, plant-based recipes that use traditional Korean cooking techniques. Students will also get to learn to deepen their connection to Buddhist teachings on clarity of mind, gratitude, interconnection and nonattachment from Bo-Mi Choi, a Korean Zen teacher who is a professor of philosophy and critical theory at Harvard University.
Bo-Mi Choi, a Korean Zen teacher
The course starts on April 23, 2018, and you can get a discount code for registration over on Shin's Instagram. Learn more about the full course here.